“The Unsung Survivor Story Book”’ – Call For Contributions

This is the call for contributions for “The Unsung Survivor Story Book” » an anthology of first-hand accounts written by people who have survived. Whatever this means for the writer; is what it means for the writer.
The purpose of this anthology is to support people in telling their stories and in being understood.
We are survivors. We can heal when we feel understood.
We liberate ourselves when we take our power back.
We await your contribution of your personal story; sharing of your lived experience during these challenging times.
•IDEAS: Write about:
- Your life experiences with mental health struggles, addiction and trauma
- Your feelings
- The stigma and judgment you have faced,
- How your family and friends have treated you and how you have treated them
- Your daily struggles and pain
- Your successes and accomplishments
- The challenges you face/have faced,
- About relationships/friendships, legal/police issues, poverty, housing, medication (good experiences/bad experiences and why you take it/why you don’t), about mistrust and abuse by providers (and healthy/good experiences), tragedies, losses, pain, institutionalization, rehab, successes, heartbreak/heartache, positive treatment, peer support, effective help, about your dreams and desires and your recovery, and your ongoing struggle.
•This is an opportunity to tell your story. There is no right or wrong way to tell your story. There is no judgment. Your experience is as difficult, painful, desperate, horrendous, amazing, life-changing or wonderful as you feel that it is. There are no comparisons. What you have experienced is valid and you are important and must be treated with respect and dignity and you deserve to be legitimized.
•Not every story is going to be one of complete success or recovery and your story does not have to have a happy ending, however by acting in solidarity with one another and by publicly taking back our lives with the power that lives within all of us, we absolutely will live happier, healthier and more satisfying lives.
*Please write up to 2000 – 4000 (or so) words typed.
*Please write in your first language (we will have it translated into English for this edition)
*Every question you have about this project is important so please ask
*We will accommodate your needs and work with you in making this a success for you (Ask please)
•You can get a copy of ‘You’re Crazy – Volume One’ (Punk Rock Survivor Anthology) here: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/betterdaysrecoverypress
*If you are a person who has had any challenges in the past with anyone involved with this project; you are encouraged to contribute. This project is in support of healing so please, everyone matters, you, me and all of us!
*All contributors will sign a release permitting their story being published.
*All contributors will receive a copy of the book with their story in it.
*All contributors can obtain copies of the book with their story in it at discounted rates.
*All contributors are supported in organizing speaking events in their communities.
•The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2020 Please email your submission and any and all questions to: THEUNSUNGSURVIVORSTORYBOOK@GMAIL.COM